Monday, April 14, 2014

Letter 24 -- He was Born Again!!!!!

Hello family!

Good luck with finals everyone!! YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!

Great news this week! G..... WAS BAPTIZED!!!!!!! Woopee!!! It was such a wonderful experience. After everything that G... has gone through. With all the changes he has made. Yesterday was the day where his desires came true and he was able to leave his old life behind. It was such a sacred experience. G... told us that while he was in the water he wanted to feel all his old ways and habits just wash right off and remain in the water. The idea felt so good that he wanted to stay in the water and feel that feeling forever, and then it was over, he came out of the water, and it was gone! We are so happy for him :) On Friday, we went and had an amazing lesson with his parents about the Plan of Salvation (They weren't very interested at first, but they seemed hooked after the Book of Mormon was able to answer all the questions they have had haha). But afterwards, G... told us that he wanted to hold off on his baptism for another week because his back and neck were hurting, and he wanted to be baptized the same time he was moving into his new apartment for a more dramatic effect. We didn't think his reasons were worth waiting so we were kind of disappointed. Just as we were leaving, I told him that this decision would mean he would have to wait a whole week to experiences all the blessings he has wanted for so long, and that he shouldn't "procrastinate the day of his repentance" (that last part slipped out of my mouth without me knowing it - both Sister Gillins and I were a little surprised at it haha) - we got in the car and sat there for a second to kind of settle our thoughts a little bit. Suddenly G.... comes Running back outside and says "Okay, okay, you're right! I want to do it this Sunday!" YES!!!! We are so happy for him :) We could tell that he was very very happy with the decision he made.

I love my Heavenly Father so much!!!! With His help Sister Gillins and I were blessed to achieve our goal of having 15 Member Present lessons this week!!! It was so amazing. Our zone had the goal of 100 member present lessons. On Sunday we had 27 to go which is A LOT for our zone. And miraculously it happened! We got EXACTLY 100 Member Present Lessons!!! It was such an exciting week. And it was so much fun being a part of the zone's goal. It really brought a sense of unity, getting texts throughout the week of how we were all doing and figuring out what we needed to do to make it possible. This experience really helped Sister Gillins and I see how the Lord blesses His children "after all [we] can do". Miracles will happen this week :) I can't believe it is already the last week of the transfer.

Speaking of transfers, I am not sure when we are emailing next week because it is transfers AND a holiday. So it might be Monday or it might be Wednesday....

My wart has little blood veins now.... Sister Gillins and I realized that as we were performing some surgery on it last night. Hahaha it was hilarious. I will include a picture. Sister Gillins and I laugh a lot together. It is so much fun :) I love her.

So yesterday was a great day. One of the experiences was we stopped by a less-active's house who just moved in and requested missionaries to come visit. It was in an apartment building and no one was home. So we wrote him a note and left. As we were getting into the elevator, a man was getting out of the elevator with bags of groceries he needed to unload all the while he was being smashed by the elevator haha. So we ran to the rescue and helped him get his groceries to his door. He came back out and talked to us for an hour. He told us that he prayed yesterday for help, and today he ran into two missionaries and KNEW he had been answered. He said he has a HUGE list of questions that no one has been able to answer for him - as he named off several of them, Sister Gillins and I began to smile bigger and bigger. The gospel truly has been restored. The Book of Mormon truly is the word of God. And the TRUTH definitely is again on the earth because there are answers to every one of his questions. It's glorious :)

As a part of our goal to have 15 member present lessons. We had the AMAZING chance to take our dear friend Katie out contacting with us! She is 17 and hopes to go on a mission. We love her so much. We taught her all the basics - from writing info on pass-along cards, to asking questions, to testifying, to asking for referrals.... she did wonderful. It was a blast. Haha she was blessed to see that there are a lot of REALLY INTERESTING people here in London. We get to see of wide variety of people each and every day and I think Heavenly Father blessed us to run into an extra wide variety of people while Katie was there so she could experience it :) Haha lots of fun times!

The weather was AMAZING this week!!! The humid is coming that's for sure haha Sister Gillins and I can tell when we look in the mirror at the end of the day and see the nest that has formed at the top of our heads.

Well that is all for this week!! I love you all so much! Keep your standards! Keep smiling! Look on the bright side! Have fun! Share the gospel! And never forget WHOSE you are!!!

Sister Bodine

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